What Gen Yeshi wrote in the facebook is really a great compliment to us. I have organized this trip not knowing what will be the outcome as it was my first time to organize a medical camp. With no previous experience and just relying on my common sense and organizational skill, I was lucky to find the three doctors and several volunteers who were willing to sacrifice not only their time but their money to come for this trip.
We have learned a lot from the 4-day free clinic and also from the afternoon workshop given to the staff and students of TCV. If given another chance in the future, we will be even more efficient to benefit more sentient beings.
Very grateful to those donors and sponsors for medicine which I never get to meet. Without their kindness and generosity we would not be able to give some much medical help to all those suffering people. This is a summary of what were the various amounts we raised and given away:-
1) From the take up of Dharchor to raise fund for the maintenance of the
children in Ngari Institute (after deducting the various expenses) Rs 245,000/-
2) Offerings from donors from Singapore who are not tour participants
Rs 15,000/-
3) Donations for the purchase of medicine and first aid boxes
S $6,740/-
Total amount spent on the purchase of the medicine and first aid boxes S $5,060/-
4) Balance of money from the medicine donation given to Ngari Institute
by Dr Tan Rs 25,000/-
5) Balance of money from the medicine donation given to TCV by Dr Loo
Rs 17,000/-
6) Donations for the purchase of small writing tables for the children in
Ngari Institute* Rs50,000/-
Therefore the total amount of cash given to Ngari Institute was:-
Rs 285,000/-
The equivalent in kind was:- Rs 50,000/-
* A year ago we saw from the photos that Gen yeshi sent us where the children had no proper table to write on during the winter months as the dining hall is too cold for them. So they all squeeze into one carpeted room to stay warm while doing their home work. It bothered us a lot as it was bad posture for the children to bend down to write on the floor. They will have back and neck problem later. So we were searching for some tables that will be light and portable and space saving at the same time. We were hoping to get something like the picture shown below. But cost in Lhadak was too expensive and we have no way to transport them up from the south without incurring much transport costs and taxes. In the end we have decided to ask a carpenter to hand make the tables for us.

Through the generous donation of Ms Sylvia Tan, Ms. May Chua, Ms. Pauline Sng, Ms Angeline Chan, Ms. Joyce Wong, Ms. Buna Tandun, Ms. Chua Sock keng, Mr. Arnold Loke, Ms. Lim Soon Ai, Ms. Tan Soo Hiang & Ms. Lau Sow Keng we managed to raise Rs50,000/- for the Institute to purchase perhaps 50 tables basing on the cost quoted by the carpenter at that time. But now it seems by forgoing the aluminium legs and use a wooden one instead they are able to procure 60 tables instead. So it all ended well and we last heard that 40 pieces were delivered to the Institute and another 20 is in the process of making.
A special thanks to Mrs. Shirley Hoe and Geshe Dorji Damdul who have supported the purchase of first aid kits and medicine for Zanskar hospital. 500 bottles of Crocin syrup plus 500 Crocin tablets plus one big and one small first aid kits were delivered to the hospital after much tribulation from many parties concerned.
The first aid kits
The Crocin syrup
Also Varada Effort has raised Rs 5,300/- from the sale of malas and various items in aid of Spiti Girls' Hostel last year during the Asia Teaching. It was not utilized after all the deductions to various parties were made. This time we have decided to donate the amount to Von Nagri Monastery in Manali for the support of their young monks. It was not a big amount but nevertheless it is the thought that counts. We try our best to carry on helping all sentient beings when help is needed.