Thursday, July 11, 2013

 Helping Kunphen

Some of our VE members were in Dharamsala recently to present the photo album from the cow liberation to HHDL and we met one of the committee members of Kunphen., Mr. Dawa Tsering. 
Dawa la is also a member of the parliament and known for his social services to the people there.
Since last year a new batch of top leaders in various organisations from New Delhi and Dharamsala came on board and decided to revitalize Kunphen after years of neglect in its development.
Now they are working on the fund raising to build a rehabilitation center near Norbulingka. The piece of land was already donated by the office of HHDL. When completed this will better serve the Tibetan community and also train the addicts in some kind of skill so that they can in the end be productive to the society when they kicked the habit. 
This is a little information about Kunphen written in both English and Chinese. Those who would like to contribute to the building fund can write to us for more details.   

About Kunphen:- 

Kunphen, which has a literal meaning of "universal benevolence", is an open door policy drop-in centre providing support, advice, advocacy, group and alternative healing therapies to Tibetans suffering from addiction issues. In addition, Kunphen liaises with other professional services to provide multi-treatment and recovery referral options, and organises education and community awareness campaigns to highlight the effects of substance dependence and the pscho-socal problems it creates for their loves ones and the community. Other than being the first and only non-government organisation (NGO) providing such treatment and care for the individuals suffering from substance dependence, it is also the first organisation to address the HIV/AIDS issues in the Tibetan community in exile.
Established in 2002, though under tight financial constraints, Kunphen has benefited at least 150 clients over the past 10 years. Currently, Kunphen operates out of a small office providing the following services to the clients:
1) one-to-one counselling sessions
2) group and one-to-one motivational and counselling workshops
3) drop-in service to assess support needs and requirements
4) acupunture and yoga sessions
5) awareness programs and workshops
6) research on past and present drug use trends
Kunphen is a project supported by H.H. 14th Dalai Lama as evidenced by the donation of a sum of Rs2,500,000 from Office of HHDL to purchase a plot of land  near Norbulingka for the consturction of a rehablitation centre in order to reach out to more potential clients and to provide a more conducive environment for the clients. Kunphen is currently raising fund for the construction of this rehabilitation centre. The cost of construction is estimated at USD55,000 with a budgeted annual recurring operating cost of USD9,000. The construction is scheduled to start in July 2013 and will be completed in 2014.
We seek your generous donation to help Kunphen reach out to those who have temporarily lost their way and to shed some rays of hope in their lives by giving them another chance in leading a meaningful human life.
昆遍在藏文的意思是利益一切. 在这儿,利益的对象是染上毒瘾的藏族同胞.她的宗旨在于帮助嗜毒者脱离毒瘾,让他们再次能拥有一个有意义的人生.
昆遍是达兰萨拉的第一也是唯一的一间戒毒中心.她于2002年成立.在过去的十年,虽然经济有限,在创办人与工作人员不懈努力之下,已帮助了超过150位嗜毒者.现在的昆遍只有一位曾是嗜毒者的辅导官在一间小小的办公室为嗜毒者开导与治疗,以及主办一些活动提升社会对于嗜毒的害处.为了让昆遍能够利益更多嗜毒者并让他们有一个更理想的环境让他们戒掉毒瘾,现在的负责人,达瓦策林,正筹备建设一间戒毒所.达赖喇嘛尊者也非常支持昆遍的宗旨,也因如此,尊者的办公室已捐了2,500,000 如币让昆遍在罗布林卡的附近买了一片地建设戒毒所.这间戒毒所的建筑预算是美元55,000, 每年的开销预算是美元9,000. 建筑工程将在2013年七月开始并预计能够在2014年完成.
这是一项非常有意义的幕款活动,希望您能够慷慨解囊,让一群迷路的羔羊能够再次回到正道, 使他们的生命再次发光.

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