Saturday, December 3, 2011

List of Donors for TCV Student Pocket Money Fund

Fangqi and Liyuan
Priscillia and Kelvin
Celina Ng
Jennifer Kok
Faith Mak
Jac Ho
Tan Su Yin
Lay Beng
Pari Jinpa
Mei Yan and Connie


This idea came about this Aug when a group of us were attending Geshe Dorji Damdul's teaching in Deer Park Institue in Bir. We heard from Geshe la that there are some students in various TCVs have never been out of the village during their education there solely due to the fact that they have no family nor relative to take them in during the winter holidays, or they are orphans. This is not very healthy to the student's growing up in terms of mental well being. Though activities have been arranged for some during the recent years but these students will be going out to the community with nothing much in their pocket to spend...not like our children here where everything is well provided for. By the end of the week 26,800rs were donated by students from Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong thanks to their boundless compassion.
After much fact finding to see what are inplace for these students, we have now given an amount of 27,000rs to TCV HQ to provide for a total of 78 students to participate in the winter programmes this year. The students are divided into 2 groups:-

(a) 15 students from TCV Gopalpur will take part in Asian Youth Festival to be held from Jan 21-27 in Kolkata. This is a bi-annual affair and will have cultural exchange of songs and dances from India and Asian countries.
(b) 63 students from TCV from all branches in H.P. and Bylakuppe will go to Gyudmey Monastery in Hunsur, Karnataka to study Tibetan literature, grammar, Buddhist philosophy plus pilgrimage to other Tibetan monasteries around Mysore. Their stay is from 16th Jan till 25th Feb.
Each student will be given 300rs as pocket money. The balance of 3,600rs will be kept in the accounts for us to top up every year. Therefore, this will be a continuious effort on the part of Varada Effort to help these children to go out and see the world. We make our fund raising drive an annual affair and eventually we hope to reach a target of giving every child 500rs as pocket money. 
Please give us the support that we need and we thank you on behalf of the students in advance.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

A BUSY AUGUST FOR VARADA EFFORT THIS YEAR IN DHARAMSALA.....our effort to help the youth spiritually

Report for TCV Life Skills Workshop held on Sunday 28 August 2011 at
Tibetan Children’s Village in Upper Dharamsala, India
Executive Summary

Seven workshops on life skills* lasting two to two-and-a-half hours each were conducted for
more than 160 final year students aged 18 and above in the Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV)
at Upper Dharamsala, India on Sunday 28 August 2011. Through quizzes, role plays and small
group discussions, students learnt and practiced assertive decision-making skills and ways to
say “No” to negative peer pressure such as smoking and drugs, and persistent persons. They
identified personal strengths and support systems, and committed personal affirmation
statements. Reinforcement through Tibetan translation, personal factsheet and classroom
posters were provided.

96% of the students found the workshop useful or very useful and 88% would recommend it
to fellow students. Some feedback included: “it will be better if it is given to Class XI also”,
“both practically and theory”, “it was not just a teaching but also making us feel what you
meant” and “it will really help during our life time”.

The workshops were made possible by the support of the TCV Principal, Headmaster and
Deputy Headmaster; friends who printed the worksheets, factsheets, posters and personal
affirmation cards; designers; translators and the Varada Effort, a group of Dharma-inspired
followers in Singapore helping the needy. The nine facilitators who conducted the workshop
included social workers, trainers, teachers and experienced volunteers from Singapore and a
Tibetan youth leader.

*Life skills are psychosocial and interpersonal skills involving values clarification and critical
thinking that enable learners to acquire knowledge and to develop positive attitudes and
skills, so as to manage life challenges and future roles in life.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fund Raising in Dharamsala

This August while attending the teaching by His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Namgyal Monastery, Varada Effort has put up a little stall to sell some of the merchandise designed and produced by its members in order to raise more money for the toilets. During the 4 short days with only not more than one and a half hour per day to sell the goods, we managed to raise the following amounts:-

1) A total sum of 47,400 rupees (nett) from the sales of 80 tote bags, 32 CDs and 372 note books

2) A total amount of 23,300 rupees plus US$10, S$210, and Ringgit$60 from public donation 
The above amounts have already be given to the Monastery (refer to receipts) as the deposit for the general sanitation construction. Hopefully, from the existing expansion of toilets, more toilets than the 2 units we anticipated, can be fitted with seats and grab bars. We are still waiting for the quotation from the suppliers of the monastery.

Since all the toilets are situated on the 2nd and 3rd level due to the lack of land, there still exist a problem for the wheelchair bound and those on crutches as there is no lift access to any of the upper floors of the monastery. Therefore, now we are looking into the possibility of purchasing mobile toilets for these disadvantaged people as the best alternative solution. Further research are being conducted now as to where to place them and which system of disposing the waste will be choosen. We are keeping our fingers crossed so that when the devotees return for the teaching next year these amenities will be upgraded as planned.

Therefore we have not stopped the collection of donation as we are still calculating the costs for the mobile toilet(s) and the freight charges to Dharamsala, which has exceeded our original budget. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Visit to TCV Suja, India - 22nd August 2011

22nd August was a special day for some of the members from Varada Effort, as most of us (except for Yeng Yeng) were not there in TCV Suja during the shawl distribution last December. We could only see from the pictures that Yeng Yeng sent us to share the joy. Now  eight months later, Lay Beng and I were able to time the visit to TCV Suja with the teaching from Geshe Dorji Damdul in Deer Park Institute together. We were so excited by the thought that we were able to meet the children at long last.
Together with another 12 Singaporeans who were also attending the teaching, plus our dear Geshe la and Dr. Barry we set off to TCV  that late afternoon. Of course we also did not forget to ask our dear Tibetan friends Tenzin and Jigme to purchase 1,800 sets of candies and snacks to bring along for all the children there.

In 5 taxis off we went in the rain. When we reached the school, the headmaster was already waiting for us. Delicious Tibetan snacks and tea were offered to us. After a brief introduction about TCV, off we went to the school hall as the children were all ready to perform for us with the new musical instruments that they have purchased with the money we donated. They started by singing the 50th Anniversary Song of TCV composed by Geshe Dorji Damdul. This was supposed to be a surprise item for Geshe la since we had wanted him to be our guest of honor. Originally, Geshe la was not willing to attend, as he had to prepare lessons for us during his free time. So in the end, I had to let the cat out of the bag by telling him that the children have been practicing the song really hard ever since the day they knew we were coming. They would be very disappointed.  That was something which Geshe la could not refuse. On hearing the song, I think all of us were somehow emotional about this even we did not understand word for word the meaning. But I myself and Lay Beng ( I could see from the corner of my eyes), were having moisture in our eyes and trying to control them from rolling down onto our faces.

More performance items followed and they were truly a lovely bunch. Geshe la also gave a very powerful speech to the students to encourage them and also to remind them on preserving their culture. At the end, I was glad that I managed to gain back my composure by giving a short thank you speech in English and Tibetan ( a real challenge for me). I hope through this trip, more Singaporeans are aware of the plight of these children and extend their hands out to help them in whatever way they can.

~ Rita

Statement of account - TCV Suja

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Varada Effort Project 2011 - A letter from one of our members posted in Dharma News

Dear friends of Varada Effort,

This year, our group intend to do something different for helping sentient beings. Instead of only helping children in Dharamsala area, we intend to raise funds to build 4 units (2 for men and 2 for women) of seated toilets fitted with grab bars for the wheelchair bound and those with legs problems in Namgyal Monastery.The estimated cost will be around the region of S$4,000/- to S$5,000/-depending on how much underground piping we must do and also the distance of the ramp leading to these toilets from the main gathering area. We will be discussing the details with the Monastery management regarding this in August.

Visiting Dharamsala for the first time last year, I saw a couple of times where people with leg problems struggled to get up from the floor during the teaching to go to the toilets. One was wheelchair bound and was being carried by his son up and down the stairs all the time. Those who have experience in helping this group of people will know that this needs strength and also technique, if not sprains can easily happen to both parties, more so the toilets in the Monastery are generally narrow and only accessible for one person.

Seeing the decades old toilet facilities in the Monastery made me feel that perhaps something should be done for these people so that they will have a better environment to come to learn dharma and also for the locals (many of them have injured themselves while crossing the Himalayas) to come to do their personal prayers.

The thought was in my mind since last year and this year I felt that we should not wait and let the place stays as it is. Some sort of progress should be done in order to bring a better living condition to the people there and perhaps educate the locals in progressing with time.Luckily my suggestion was being well supported by our members of Varada Effort and many of my friends.

I am writing to you to appeal for help in meeting the cost of the toilets as we are just trying to build 4 modest units with cement flooring without fancy tiling. Any amount is welcomed and I am sure for those of you who have been to Namgyal Monastery will understand how I feel. You may write to regarding your gift.Thank you in advance for your act of generosity and I am sure your kindness will touch the hearts of the people in Dharamsala and those who travel there from all over the world.

With Metta,

Donors for Toilet Project in Namgyal Monastery 2011

Sher Poh Poh  $100/-
Tan Liang Thia $10/-
Pearlyn Wong $50/-
Lee Jing Yng $100/-
Deyki Tsering $100/-
Ng Bie Tin $100/-.
Jono Rusly $500/-
Ang Cheng San $20/-
Shi'An & Weiya $100/-
Natalie Hoh  $60/
Lee Keng Chua $500/-
Goh Yee Chin $50/-
Florence Lee Lian Guat $100/-
Melissa Koh $100/-.
Jaryn Boi $10/-
Tan Chiong Heng $10/-
Loh Boon Chong $10/-
Lam Peck Yong $10/-
Loh Sieu Bong $50/-

Cassell R Meyers $50/-
Ruoqi $50/-
Angeline Chan $100/-

Koh Zi Yen $200/-
Ang Kelly $50/-
Lew Siew Eng $20/-
Neo Wei Kwang $20/-
Darren Leow $200/-
Millie Phua $200/-
Liew Ngoh Mory $300/-
Ben & Kit $200/-
Tan Ming Shen $100/-
SST $30/-
Tan Hua Moy $200/-
Leau Seow Lee  $100/-
Anonymous $50/-
Joshua Tan $36/-

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Donation of the Musical Instruments

Dear Varada Effort,

We are sorry for the delay information about the musical instruments. As informed to you earlier that we have already have the instruments and children are enjoying by learning the instruments and we will be welcoming anyone of you, and would like to perform in presence of you their talent with interest in learning different music. We also would like to show you the books of H.H.the Dalai Lama bought from your contribution.

Recently we celebrated our 25th Founding Anniversary with H.H.the Gyalwa Karmapa as chief guest and Kalon Thupten Lungrig Minister for Tibetan Education, and many govt.officials and former students/ex-students from  Dharamsala and near by..

I am attaching you a photograph of our junior school music class with their instruments for your kind information. We once again thank you and your friends who have very kindly donated huge money to procure our requirement.

With regards and greetings from all of us here at TCV Suja.

Yours sincerely,
Ngodup Wangdu

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reply from the Director of Suja

Dear Varada Effort,

I am happy to go through your email and I am sorry for the delay in reply because I was on personal leave for pilgrimage to Sarnath (Varanasi) and Bod Gaya along with my wife and children attending His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teaching too. While coming back, I am in bad cold and cough, I am recovering slowly and wasn’t able to do much while outside in terms of checking mails and other works.

Before I left for pilgrimage, along with Yeng Yeng and her friends, we distributed shawls to all the children with sweet that Yeng Yeng has brought with her. These shawls has come in as if you all have forecast our weather as it has come on the right time when we witnessed the coldest season after so many years and your shawls kept them extra warm and found out to be very helpful to all. The leftover are being kept safely and properly in our store room. And recently when I arrived back to school, I learned that there were about 30 new young adult arrived to our school from Tibet to whom we have distributed the shawl one each to all of them and it will surely keep them warm this whole winter season. Special thanks to Yeng Yeng for helping us in distribution and sweets that made all happier!

I am attending TCV management development councils meeting to be held at TCV youth hostel, Delhi from 31st Jan to 4th Feb 2011. I shall receive the books and bring it with me while my return back to TCV Suja. We have managed to purchase books authored by HH the Dalai Lama and distributed to our both the school libraries (Junior School/Senior School). We will be sending the list of the books to you soon.

We thank you, Yeng Yeng and all the members of Varada Efforts.

About Musical instruments, we have ordered it and it’s in process to get it delivered to us. It will be in use in March 2011 by our children at junior school and your all will see them playing it during your visit to our school in august 2011.

Ngodup Wangdu
Director of Suja

Phone:  +91 1908 252621

"Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek." - His Holiness the Dalai Lama