Sunday, April 15, 2012

A memorable tea party and a good way to start a new year

On Jan 1st 2012, an auspicious day in any calendar, Varada Effort hosted a tea party in Mahayana Hotel in Boddhgaya to meet up with some of the heads of organisations that we have helped since the forming of the group. We have never met most of them in the past but always managed to connect with each other through phone or emails.  Therefore this was a good opportunity to get together and share some ideas face to face.
At the same time, we were honored to have the presence of Mr. Dawa Tsering, the MP who is very well known for his social work in Dhramasla and Serkong Rinpoche, a supporter to our effort in training the Tibetans to help their own youth.
Our guests were delighted to have a taste of the Kueh Lapis and Pineapple Tarts brought all the way from Singapore for the occassion. It was a fruitful gathering for VE as we learnt much about how to go about in helping the Tibetan youths and the areas that we can render our service to their community in the future.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New top up for the Students" Pocket Money Fund for TCV

Thanks to the new donors to this project, today we managed to transfer a total amount of Rs 62,323 to TCV. This, with our balance of Rs 3,600 leftover from the previous donations, we will be able to provide at least 131 students this year, a sum of Rs 500 each, when they take part in 2012 year end winter programme. Gratitude to the following people for their generosity:
Mrs. Shirley Hoe    $300/-
Mr. Jason Chan        $50/-
Ms Yong Mee Hiong   $1,000/-
Ms. Chung Ay Neo   $200/-
I am sure you all can see the smiles on the students' faces in your vision for your gift. Thank you once again.