Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dana for 30 nuns in Gampola, Sri Lanka on 15th May 2013
An auspicious day to make merit for the VE tour participants and a rare occasion for the sangha members as well. Rare in the sense that usually the nuns would not be able to have a meal with the monks in the same hall. However, since this is a dana organized for 30 nuns in a nunnery with 26 years of history, they have the rare opportunity to sit in the same room with 3 monks presiding while they have their lunch.
The chief monk was Professor Ven. Dr.Dhammadassi, the head of the Departtment of Pali and Buddhist Studies of University of Jayewardenepura, who came all the way from Colombo for this special occasion. For most of us who are not very familiar with Theravada rituals we were lucky to have Bhante Ananda to guide us through the ceremony. It was quite an eye opening experience for all and Brother Shi'an had the honor of bringing the casket with the relic into the main dinning hall.
We thank all our donors from Singapore: Ms. Yong Mee Hiong, Mr. Ang Chen San, Mr. Jono Rusly, Ms.Wong Lay Yee, Mr. Adrian Kuek Chye Heng and Mr. Jason Chan for their generous donations to make this occasion a successful one.
Also a big thank you for all our tour participants who brought along various kinds of gifts so that each sangha member went off with not only a full stomach of nice food but also their transportation being taken care of. In each of their gift pack they can find a pen, a writing pad, some munchies, a tube of tooth paste, a tooth brush, a face towel, a bar of soap and some Ang Paos (red packet with money) contributed by the various members of the group.
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu for this group effort to create this merit during the auspicious period of Vesak.
For those who have no chance to join us in the tour, you can follow the link below to see the photos that were taken by Mr. Arnold Loke during the tour. Many thanks to him who have diligently followed the whole process and given us a wonderful record of this memorable occasion when most of us were busy serving food or packing the gift packs. Please go to :



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