Saturday, September 15, 2018

 2018 Start of An Exciting Year

January is always the month for the TCV children to go on holiday with their families and relatives. Over the last 7 years we do see batches of students of different age groups being sent to various parts of India, even including Nepal to spend their long winter holiday. Some of them will do community work, some will just simply have fun while some others will do learning in Buddhism etc...So these children do get the experience of staying with some families, which they terribly lack this warm home feeling since the day they fled Tibet and come over to India by themselves. Also they can learn to assimilate with the society where their life in the children village have sheltered them from. But at the same time, we let them have a chance to go out to see the least another city in India...

This was the original purpose of the Pocket Money Fund as suggested by Geshe Dorji Damdul, because many of them have hardly any money of their own. Besides, not only their families in Tibet will have problem in sending money regularly over to them, also some of them are from very poor families. So these few hundred rupees will at least help them to afford some snacks if they are hungry. Or; they may even want to buy some little souvenir of their own, when they travel, like other children would want to.

However, over the last 2-3 years, there are less coming out from Tibet and so the number of students "qualified" for this type of outing is getting less and less. So this winter instead of having children going to some other cities for a period of time, we actually only fund 123 students from Upper TCV to go for a day outing.

Therefore, from the previous balance of Rs 76,600/-, we only spent Rs18, 450/- for the outing, leaving a balance of Rs 58,150/- in the Pocket Money Fund account.   

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